下面是我做出的解决办法,虽然有点丑陋: This is an old question, but I also encountered this issue recently, and now being helpless. Let's see the p:pickList:We know the [var="customer"] is an iterator, but when validation error happens, this var is assigned to String type, it's odd. When you close this popup then re-populate it again, you will get an error, messages like this: no property label(value) on type of String... the customer var now is a String, so it has no value nor label property. For now, I use a tricky way, it won't work out always, it depends on your code: Assume that the value and label are unique, set customersList type of List String, customersList binds the label, find the value of the label when submit at the backend; Why this way can avoid re-populate exception, that's because the iterator is always type of String, no matter validation error occurs or not. Hope this can help the need.